"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

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I use this blog to comment on the world as I see it. Sometimes that's negative...sometimes it's positive...but it will always be truthful.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

042409 - 10 things to not say to a woman in the last weeks of her pregnancy AKA things that have been said to me in the past month. Ever.

This may read like a pity party and I don't care...people should know that pregnant women aren't public property.

10. Are you STILL pregnant?
9. Are you just keeping that baby inside to annoy me?
8. God, can you get any bigger?
7. You look like you're about to pop!
6. How's our baby doing? Ready to come out?
5. Hey! Your feet aren't really all that fat!
4. Why are you still out and about?
3. Oh I just can't wait for you to have that baby!
2. You must really be sick of maternity clothes...I mean...ew.
1. Go have that baby so I can spoil it!

And the quiet responses I didn't give, because I know that even the rudest of these people were well meaning.

10. Yes, I am STILL pregnant. I STILL am miserable and in pain and you are making it worse.
9. Yep. You caught me. I'm clamping my cervix down like Fort Knox just to piss you off.
8. Yes, as a matter of fact, I gained 50 MORE pounds with my first kid, but thanks for making me feel even more unattractive than I already do.
7. I am about to pop. Literally...you, in the face. I'm going to cut you. Go away.
6. OUR baby? I'm sorry, I didn't realize that your uterus was involved.
5. Yes they are. And they hurt, rub them or fuck off.
4. Because I, in addition to being a baby-maker, am a human being with a job that I love that requires I finish manuscripts, train people, do work, and remember that I am valuable for more than my reproductive skills.
3.You can't wait, hunh. Yeah. I bet you're just on pins and needles and it occupies every neuron in your mind.
2. Yes. I am sick of maternity clothes. They're hot. They itch. They're absolutely unsexy and they don't stay put. But because you're a MAN you probably shouldn't comment on them.
1. Please don't talk about spoiling the thing that isn't even out of my body yet. I can only concentrate on being annoyed about one thing at a time, and this one is all consuming.

There are lots of things people say without thinking, and most of them come from a good place...I've said the stupid wrong thing LOTS of times...but people...really...the only thing a REALLY pregnant person wants to hear is something along the lines of...hey..."I know you must be really uncomfortable. I'll bet your baby is going be perfect and your labor and delivery will be easy. AND you look great. Really. Good luck."

This may read like a pity party and I don't care...people should know that pregnant women aren't public property.

10. Are you STILL pregnant?
9. Are you just keeping that baby inside to annoy me?
8. God, can you get any bigger?
7. You look like you're about to pop!
6. How's our baby doing? Ready to come out?
5. Hey! Your feet aren't really all that fat!
4. Why are you still out and about?
3. Oh I just can't wait for you to have that baby!
2. You must really be sick of maternity clothes...I mean...ew.
1. Go have that baby so I can spoil it!

And the quiet responses I didn't give, because I know that even the rudest of these people were well meaning.

10. Yes, I am STILL pregnant. I STILL am miserable and in pain and you are making it worse.
9. Yep. You caught me. I'm clamping my cervix down like Fort Knox just to piss you off.
8. Yes, as a matter of fact, I gained 50 MORE pounds with my first kid, but thanks for making me feel even more unattractive than I already do.
7. I am about to pop. Literally...you, in the face. I'm going to cut you. Go away.
6. OUR baby? I'm sorry, I didn't realize that your uterus was involved.
5. Yes they are. And they hurt, rub them or fuck off.
4. Because I, in addition to being a baby-maker, am a human being with a job that I love that requires I finish manuscripts, train people, do work, and remember that I am valuable for more than my reproductive skills.
3.You can't wait, hunh. Yeah. I bet you're just on pins and needles and it occupies every neuron in your mind.
2. Yes. I am sick of maternity clothes. They're hot. They itch. They're absolutely unsexy and they don't stay put. But because you're a MAN you probably shouldn't comment on them.
1. Please don't talk about spoiling the thing that isn't even out of my body yet. I can only concentrate on being annoyed about one thing at a time, and this one is all consuming.

There are lots of things people say without thinking, and most of them come from a good place...I've said the stupid wrong thing LOTS of times...but people...really...the only thing a REALLY pregnant person wants to hear is something along the lines of...hey..."I know you must be really uncomfortable. I'll bet your baby is going be perfect and your labor and delivery will be easy. AND you look great. Really. Good luck."

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