"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

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I use this blog to comment on the world as I see it. Sometimes that's negative...sometimes it's positive...but it will always be truthful.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Why Darwinism Makes Sense

It is likely not a surprise for you to hear that I grew up in an unorthodox way. One of the most grating things about growing up on The Farm was the indoctrination of the people I love. The members of my childhood memories accepted what their pastor and their favorite Right-Wing Fundy politician and their local wise-man said about just about anything. Feeling tired? Try chelation! Don't like paying taxes? No one should have to! Evolution? Blasphemous!

Now, I believe that everyone has a right to his/her own beliefs and that it's important to seek out people who feel and think differently than you do so that your opinions are always well informed and well rounded. In point of fact, I have tons of right wing friends, I listen to Rush Radio, and I spend a good amount of time listening to Fox news...just to make sure that I'm not up to my eyeballs in propaganda and missing the other side of the things I believe in. It's important to be educated.

I told you that to tell you this: Contrary to my upbringing, I have discovered: Evolution is irrefutable (EVOLUTION). And it is ABSOLUTELY NOT IN ANY WAY TIED INTO THEOLOGY. Period. You CAN believe in God and evolution at the same time.

Evolution is defined as the process by which genes in our genome change over time, and is typically applied to entire populations, not individuals. Some of those changes give rise to characteristics that make us better able to survive. When we live longer, we have more kids that have our genes and THEY are better able to survive. Common sense, right?

Here's the problem. We don't live according to Darwin's (Charles Darwin) rules any more. We live in an over-medicated society. Follow me:

Mom A was born with diabetes, slight mental retardation, and a cleft palate.
Dad A was born normal and healthy, but acquired a wicked methamphetamines habit in his late teens.

Mom A stays fat and happy due to our exceptional health care system. She and Dad A meet, have 4 kids who are overweight, constantly exposed to carcinogens, and have sub-standard IQs. They go on to have more kids with other kids who are disadvantaged both socioeconomically and genetically.

Two hundred years ago, hell, a hundred years ago, this wouldn't have happened because Mom A would have 1. died early due to diabetes or 2. been institutionalized for the retardation and prevented from ever meeting Dad A and the 20 some children who are disadvantaged would never have been born.

Now, I'm not advocating genetic cleansing. What I'm trying to point out is that our society isn't giving people the right tools to prevent this sort of thing. Why are we not telling people on state assistance that we will give them help in caring for themselves, but not children and HERE'S SOME FREE BIRTH CONTROL AND A VOUCHER FOR STERILIZATION IF YOU CHOOSE. If they'd like to adopt one of the million children in social services right now, they can do that for free, given that they prove they are fit. It's a two birds with one stone sort of thing. Now, there are problems with this scenario, but they could be worked out.

When I see people with obvious genetic defects, the basest and most clinical side of me PRAYS they'll never procreate. It's just so irresponsible! I know how much people want children. How joyful it is to see your eyes in another...but we have got to start helping people make better choices and meting out consequences for those who don't or our gene pool will continue getting more and more shallow.

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