"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

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I use this blog to comment on the world as I see it. Sometimes that's negative...sometimes it's positive...but it will always be truthful.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Airing Dirty Laundry

I have a habit of just blurting out whatever comes to mind. Sometimes this is charming - like when I say some 86 year old man is just adorable in his suspenders to his face in the mall...sometimes, it's appalling. Sometimes it's hurtful.

I don't often delete posts. Even when they're unpopular. But I recently wrote a blog about my father and his battle over the years with a difficult life. Upon re-reading and after an email from my grandmother, I realized how woe-is-me and selfish and childish I sounded...look - in so many ways, my life has sucked...but in many many more, it has blessed me over and over again. It's hard, some days, to pay attention to the blessings and ignore the trials...and a few days ago, on my father's birthday, was one of those days. So I threw a fit. I couldn't find his phone number so I just didn't call him. And I'm not proud of it. I wrote a blog calling him crazy and I thought I was calling to attention how he and I share this trait...this war with crazy....but it didn't. I didn't.

So, if you're reading this, and you know something about fit throwing...I encourage you to consider the people you might be hurting while you're behaving badly. I often don't. And if you're reading this and you're my family - I KNOW how lucky and blessed I am to have you...I do. And I'll be calling my dad tomorrow.
